
Showing posts from December, 2020

Week 8 - Discussion 3

  In your own words, differentiate LOCUTIONARY, ILLOCUTIONARY, PERLOCUTIONARY and give at least 1 example for each (not copied from the handout). There are three types of speech acts: the locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts. Locutionary acts refer to the action of saying or uttering a statement. For an act to be locutionary, it needs to share the same meaning for both the speaker and receiver and it needs to be sensible. The next speech act is the illocutionary act. These acts are performed by speakers and commits them to a future action. Examples of an illocutionary act are giving promises and oaths. Moreover, giving opinions and permission to other people are examples of illocutionary acts. Lastly, is the perlocutionary act. This type of speech act pertains to the consequence of what a speaker has said. To give you a clearer picture, I will state examples for each type of speech act.  First is the locutionary act, the actual act of uttering or saying a...

Week 8 - Discussion 2

  Which   of   the   types   of   speech   context   do   you   find   easy   and   difficult   to   practice? What should you do to improve your   skills? Personally, I find intrapersonal communication easier to practice than interpersonal communication. To fully justify my opinion, let us first define the two. Intrapersonal communication as communication with one's self. Examples are self-talk, acts of visualization, and imagination. On the other hand interpersonal communication is the process of exchanging communication between two or more people. As an introvert, I find intrapersonal communication easier to practice because I will be able to express feelings without the anxiety that people will not approve of it. Moreover, I will be able to exercise my mind with various thought processes. Furthermore, you will be able to use any type of speech style that you want. On the other hand, I will be able to dev...

Week 8 - Discussion 1

  As   a   senior   high   school   student,   what   do   you   think   is   the   advantage   of   having good communication skills in a variety of contexts? Do you think it will help you improve your personality? Why or Why   not? In senior high school, students engage in all types of communication, whether verbal, non-verbal, or written. As a seasoned campus journalists, I have used communication to my advantage to win various regional and national tilts. for example, in order to create an excellent news article, you need to have lots of sources. The best example of sources are interviews, and to conduct them, I need to have good communication skills, and I have used this to my advantage to win various regional and national press conferences. Furthermore, another instance where good communication can be very beneficial to senior high school students is in the field of research, where students defend and ...